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WVDA launches new website that’s consumer-focused

CHARLESTON — The West Virginia Department of Agriculture launched a new, consumer-focused website on Tuesday, Aug. 25. The new site has been streamlined to give users easier access to licenses, forms and applications, as well as a constituent service portal to contact the Department and Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhardt.

The redesign of the website was handled in-house through the Department’s IT division.

“The previous website was clunky and confusing to navigate with limited applications.

“Our goal was to modernize the Department’s website so it would be easier for consumers to use,” said Leonhardt. “Our in-house IT staff have done a great job of accomplishing a goal we have had for quite some time.”

Users will be able to find direct access to trainings, educational pages and online applications. The Agriculture Business Development Division/West Virginia Grown page is now more prominent where producers can learn about business planning, label reviews and how to become a member of the West Virginia Grown family. The new website also includes favorites like the monthly Market Bulletin and the Upcoming Events calendar.

“Our staff plans on making more additions to the website as we want to include online registration for hemp licenses, auctioneers and other programs. This is all part of our mission to reduce the WVDA’s footprint, as well as provide better services to the public,” Leonhardt said.

The public can access the website at the previous address, For more information, contact the WVDA at 304-558-3708.

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